8 min readMay 14, 2022


Fellow Doodians,

Yesterday, Kingdom Raids just had an insightful live chat with the 1st guest of the AMA series with Partners — Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications!

The AMA session has gained favor among the community as it brings a clearer understanding of the collaboration between 2 entities & what Liberty Gaming, a next-gen gaming organization that focuses on your financial freedom & Web 3.0 success has currently been working on to fulfill our vision!

For those who cannot follow up, Kingdom Raids has already summed up the entire content of the live chat!

👉 Read the full content of AMA session: Meet our Partner — Liberty Gaming:

Part 1: Warm up.

Q1. First, could you please make a brief overview of your team’s background and Liberty Gaming?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

The Liberty Gaming team has some amazing members, bringing together massive amounts of experience from the blockchain, DeFi, GameFi and crypto spaces, as well as from real world sectors including finance, venture capital, strategic investments and global commercial partnerships.

The project itself, which began as a gaming guild, has grown and developed into a fully fledged GameFi organization comprising a guild, rapidly-growing gaming community and NFT and token funds. We’re actively researching and investing in some of the most promising projects out there, including Kingdom Raids, of course!

Q2. Yep, now please share a few major milestones or great partnerships that Liberty Gaming has achieved so far

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

There have been a few! Bear with me!

Well while we have some great partnerships that I’ll mention in a moment, I’d like to mention our Discord community hitting 50k members in just 79 days, that was pretty special! We’re somewhere near 80k now and still growing so fast!

In addition, we’ve partnered with some amazing projects, you guys being one of them, as well as taking the bold step of moving outside of the crypto realms!

Just a few weeks back we announced our partnership with PERSIB, an elite Indonesian football club and one of the biggest in Asia, to help expose blockchain gaming to the huge gaming communities in that part of the world.

We’ve formed guild alliances with some other amazing gaming guilds, and recently launched the Liberty Gaming Ambassador Programme. So much has been happening!

Q3. Could you please give more details about the upcoming events of Liberty Gaming?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

Haha, this is a tough one! We do have a lot going on but there’s some that I can’t talk about just yet. I’ll do my best 😂

Q4. Yeah, I think our Doodians really want to know this information!

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

Well, another recent announcement is the forming of a group including SkyLaunch, a tier-one multi-chain IDO launchpad, quite an amazing project, and now our sister company. This has very much shaped the immediate future of Liberty Gaming, marking the beginning of a whole ecosystem of projects, and more will be revealed very soon.

We have two further announcements that we hope to make in the very near future that, should they come to fruition, will certainly be turning heads! It’s all top secret at the moment though I’m afraid! 🤐🤐🤐

Keep watching our channels, something HUGE is coming!

Part 2: Answer the selected questions from Twitter.

Q1. There are many NFT and Metaverse projects currently. So there must be high competitiveness in the market, and users are more selective when participating in new platforms. What are some prominent features that make Liberty Gaming ahead of other blockchain-based games?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

Well, firstly we’re not a blockchain-based game, haha! We are, however, a blockchain-based gaming company, with a guiding principle of educating web3 users and growing the community as much as we can to ensure a successful future for GameFi.

Our team brings unmatched expertise in research and investments, putting us in the perfect position to invest in and assist the top GameFi projects out there to grow and succeed, and bring them to not just ours, but the wider blockchain community as a whole.

Q2. My question relates to your short-term and long-term marketing strategies. How do you intend to distribute your products to the public, particularly non-native crypto players? What is Liberty Gaming’s most ambitious goal in the time being?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

As mentioned above, we’ve already formed a first-of-its-kind partnership between a guild and a football club with PERSIB, and we have plans for many more eye-watering collaborations both inside and outside of crypto to bring GameFi to the masses.

Our marketing and commercial teams have the experience, knowledge and expertise to not only secure our future, but to drive it to the highest of heights!

We’re doing things a little differently at Liberty Gaming, and over the next few weeks you’ll see what I mean with the news coming out of our channels.

Q3. How does Liberty Gaming plan to create a more reliable and viable ecosystem? And do you have any solutions for preventing the gas issue from driving newcomers away from Metaverse?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

Well, as I mentioned in my previous answer, we’re beginning our own ecosystem, starting with joining forces with SkyLaunch to kick things off.

When I say we’re doing things a little differently, this is what I mean. We’re assembling not just a team of the finest minds across every crucial realm to enable us to reach the sky, but also a network of only the elite projects, partners, investors and games.

SkyLaunch is a next-generation launchpad, and we are becoming a new breed of GameFi organization, with our sights firmly set on raising the bar and setting new standards in the space!

As for the gas fees, I’m afraid we don’t have a solution yet, but don’t be too surprised if we find it!

Q4. Almost 80% of investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

I kinda wanna just say “You’ll regret it if you don’t” 😂

But on a serious note

It’s kind of a ‘do your own research’ kind of answer, but take a look at our team, take a look at what we’ve done so far, and watch what comes in the next few weeks.

If that is not a good enough reason to hold our token then I don’t know what is!

And when I say team, that includes the SkyLaunch team too, we are now all one super-powered DeFi and GameFi team!

Q5. Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project. How have you been able to build a complete project and what is the way to generate profit? What is the income model of this project?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

Well, as mentioned, we’re focussed on our guild and our GameFi investments, so we have a dual income model.

We have our rapidly growing group of scholars being trained by some of the top play-to-earn gamers out there, bringing in income for Liberty Gaming while also working towards financial freedom for themselves.

Secondly, our team of expert investors and business developers are hard at work not only finding the finest early-stage GameFi projects, but some of the biggest investors in the space too.

Due to the early investment, we are able to receive very good prices on our investment and in turn offer these same good prices to investors! It’s win-win!!!

Part3: Live questions session. (5 questions)

Q1. Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product in order to expand on fresh ideas for your project? Many projects fail because the target audience and clients are not understood. So I’d like to know who your ideal consumer is for your product? (@DEZPOV)

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

Of course!!! We always listen to our community, without them we are nothing! The community is the heart of our project, as it should be for all projects.

We regularly hold polls and interviews with community members to keep in close touch with the directions they would like to see us move in.

Q2. Why did you choose KR as your cooperation unit? (@AmyHNVN)

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

This one is simple — because it’s an awesome project! That’s why you’re here, right?

Q3. I think Ambassadors play a very important role in every project, Do you have an ambassador program? If yes, how can I be one ?Where I can get the latest updates or more information about your project?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

We do indeed, it’s right here!


Q4. Being a gaming platform what are the games you are currently supporting? What type of games are you planning to add in the future? How do you plan to expand to non-crypto users as there are many gamers with zero blockchain knowledge ? Also please explain marketing strategies.

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

There are no particular ‘types’ of games we are focussed on, unless you call ‘the best’ a type!

We are actively researching all kinds of projects and studying them closely from every aspect, right down to the team and project fundamentals. If everything looks good and we believe it has a strong future, we take it further!

We are well aware of the lack of crypto knowledge amongst the gaming masses, and have plans in place to educate the wider community and bridge the gap between blockchain and mainstream gaming.

Q5. Partnership is always an important factor for every project. So who is your partner? What are the benefits you get from those relationships?

Mr. Oliver S Mills — Liberty Gaming’s Head of PR & Communications:

Where do I even begin???!!

Our gaming partners, including Kingdom Raids, must be heading towards 20 now!

Our investment partners must be pretty close to that too.

Then of course we have our guild alliances, out-of-crypto partners, the list is endless.

The was we see it at Liberty Gaming is this:

Guilds can be competitors if they want and games can be competitors if they want, but at the end of it all we are all striving for the same goal — to bring GameFi to the masses. So let’s do it together!!!!

Also, sending love to all the questions for Liberty Gaming & our team sorted out the 5 best ones from @AmyHNVN @RooftopAS @CryAK777 @mateojulian @DEZPOV to grant a reward of 20$ in LGG token for each!

‼️ The above accounts are Telegram-only!

💰 The reward distribution time will be informed soon. Firstly, kindly DM admin @ShawKR on Telegram your BEP-20 wallet address BEFORE 3 PM UTC 15/05/2022.

🔥 Follow our Socials: https://atplink.com/KingdomRaids




Written by kingdomraids

Kingdom Raids is a RPG developed by a leading gaming studio. The game takes place in a fictional kingdom, “Dood Kingdom”, a land of mystery and adventure

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