8 min readDec 14, 2021


On Sunday, December 12, 2021, Kingdom Raids team has just kickstarted our #1 Talk in the Community connect series on our Discord server with 2 special guests — Kingdom Raids’ CEO Hai Van Duong & CMO Tyler Johnston. Let’s together find out what sneak peeks Doodians’ve got from this interesting chit-chat!

The conversation began with the story behind Kingdom Raids — how it started.

Kingdom Raids CEO Hai Van Duong has been a veteran in crypto since 2017, then into Venture capital. Prior to crypto, he has worked as financial advisor. And, currently, our founder has been completing his PhD studies about Finance mechanism design economics at Glasgow University.

At first, Hai had no intention to start a project, but in mid-2021, the turning point happened when he came back to Vietnam and met a renowned gaming studio in Vietnam. The game studio was convinced that most blockchain games on the market so far had boring gameplay, and they shared the same vision with Kingdom Raids — a game they have been working for more than a year. He saw the game, loved it at first sight, gelled with the team, helped with the business side and plot side. And the rest is history…

Kingdom Raids CMO Tyler Johnston, who has a good business background and been a content creator in NFT space over a long period of time, also agreed with that opinion about the current monotonous gameplay of Blockchain games.

“Gameplay’s been a big driver in the Kingdom Raids development. There isn’t a lot of unique stuff going on, Kingdom Raids is focusing on the gameplay experience being unique, but also well focused on the economics of it.”, said CMO Tyler Johnston.

In spite of recently joining the team, Tyler was super impressed with the huge potential team led by Hai. And, Tyler will be the one on youtube explaining stuff along the way about Kingdom Raids.

Latest updates about project & its initial orientation

Our founder revealed some important information that a brand-new artwork along with exciting gameplay are coming to town. However, he is still keen for a sustainable economic system from the start.

In terms of project team, there is a gaming studio behind Kingdom Raids, so it can push out a lot of new and fresh contents.

Initially, there were only 20 members but now, it has grown to 50 members. The game team is the biggest with 20 artists, 2D/3D artists, animators, technical artists. They also have project managers, game designers, economy designers, a small team of testers and Developer team — Game app and blockchain dapp developers, Server developers.

Tyler added that P2E games often have small teams with rapid development that leads to simple games. Meanwhile, Kingdom Raids has a huge good team behind it. Tyler is confident that the team will be able to drive this project into a big position in the P2E space.

The RTS and RPG aspects of Kingdom Raids: Clan game, Land Gameplay, Unknown zone — where events will happen, Base building

The next question is about the RTS and RPG aspects of Kingdom Raids in compare with Clash of clans, Clash Royal or Diablo?

This is quite a broad question and also, Hai hasn’t played Diablo yet.

There are some similarities in terms of clans and character classes.

It will be 2 separate games within 1 game:

🔸 Clan game — control and move the heroes around, can control their active skills — lots of strategy in this. Talking about mobs and defense towers, moving the mobs using skills.

🔸 Land Gameplay — Not a lot available in public — some details are though, lands will be similar elements to heroes. Each player can own multiple plots of lands. You can mine resources on it or explore other player’s land, you can loot for resources. Gamers can challenge the team of heroes on their lands, but they can choose to accept or reject the match and make friends instead.

🔸 There is also an unknown zone — where events will happen. Big monster will wander around the unknown zone. Gamers can team up with other players to fight the monster and get rewards. Limited time events to beat the raid boss.

Tyler said that the RPG elements are in the gameplay which is to control the heroes attacks and moves, but your own bases are a bit like a tower defense mechanism.

Gamers can build traps, towers, walls in your base that have different effects to help defend your base when enemy clans try to battle and challenge you.

Clan feature & the social interaction aspect — What can gamers do with clan aside from raids other players’ lands? Can clan members be able to share resources?

In the first release, the clan features won’t be available. About the sharing resources aspect among clan members, it has not been in the plan yet, but the team will consider.

Besides raids, clans will have other benefits — teamwork events, limited time events, etc. There will be a social component — they will be able to chat with one another as well. Chat within the game client to help with the strategy. This is missing in lots of other play-to-earn games. With the KR team, the social interaction inside the game is one of the top priorities.

Reasons to change from the puzzle-based game to the raid-based game.

The reason for the change is that the puzzle-based game wasn’t as suitable as this raid-based stuff. It was popular amongst the fun of Candy Crush. However, the raid-based game is more suitable in terms of economy and play to earn aspect. In order to own tokens and get rewards, the raid-based stuff will be more sustainable — Moving a bit away from the casual game easy to play into the skill-based earnings stuff.

Reasons to change to a totally brand-new art style. Is the art copyrighted to Kingdom Raids?

KR’s artwork is being changed from the old style to a totally brand-new appearance.

Initially, the game was developed as a low-budget team when they were small. Nevertheless, thanks to Animoca brands and Kingsway capital, they now have the scope to make the art better with a much bigger team. Their ambition now is to push Kingdom Raids to the next level. Thus, they decided to change the art style so that it is on par with the other more popular conventional games in the market. It does not stop at purely blockchain game level, but heading towards great non-blockchain game level. More leaks to come soon!

The artwork is also copyrighted but KR will be happy to collaborate with other projects though. Crossovers are welcome with other projects that have a similar level of art and style.

When will IDO take place? Can Private Investors still join hands? NFT sale — Price, Time frame, supply, where to happen? Token-burning mechanism? Heroes

🔸 About IDO, Hai told that they tried to aim for a Big game, so they have to reorganize everything — so it did affect the game development timeline. “We will stick to the plan to release the game in Q1 next year. IDO is going to be delayed until earlier next year, possibly January.”, said KR CEO.

🔸 Private investors — Can they still get in? It’s on hold now, but applications are welcome. The private investors can still submit proposals, but it’s on hold.

KR has not released any strict requirements yet. We are not rushing it since we are focusing on the product side. We want long-term investors to join hands with us through ups and downs and fulfill our vision.

🔸 NFT sale:

KR will sell our Mystery Boxes in terms of rarity. Similar to Thetan Arena, the pricing floor is on the lower end of cost. About the initial expected cost, KR will make it public nearer to the NFT sales.

About the time NFT sale takes place, KR team has not decided before or after IDO, but it will come out before the game though. Tyler says we are all early!

Initial NFTs — unlimited or limited? It is not possible to have an unlimited amount, because there is a limited supply of heroes. For Mythical and legendary rarity level, they will be much lower supply. For the normal ones, there will be a very high supply.

Where the NFT will hosted? NFT sale will be hosted on our own website as this is a lower entry barrier. 3rd parties are more difficult. For the tokens, they are considering multiple ways but will disclose more later.

🔸 Burning Mechanism: In the whitepaper, there are a lot of burning mechanisms listed there. Hero will have stamina — When run out of stamina, they will need to wait until it recharges or have to pay for it. This is one example of another burning mechanism.Summoning heroes, Fusion, Rune, Defense Buildings — these will all cost resources and be in burning utility.

🔸 Heroes: Total supply for Heroes, Cost, Fusion feature?

Legendary Epic, mythic Heroes will have limited supply, normal ones have limited supply but the supply is pretty big — we don’t want an undersupply to become a barrier to entry.

The cost plan is that we want to have a hero compared to other markets at the lower end of the price. A vast number of gamers is something we are keen to have.

Fusion will need multiple of the same heroes but different elements so you can fuse them together. Same hero with different elements will create the multi-element hero fusion.

When can gamers expect gameplay footage? Beta version testing opportunity ? What platform KR will be built on?

🔸 For gameplay footage, it is projected to be public early next year, and Kingdom Raids wants to release the version with the brand-new artwork.

KR will have a World map divided into land slots. Gamers can choose the one you wish to buy. Some random elements for purchasing land in terms of resources, but the location is important to be close to events. The element lands will be broken up into the elements.

🔸 Does the WL opportunity get them beta testing access? We have not had a plan yet, but KR will consider it. Till now, KR can’t disclose anything much about the WL/roles yet.

🔸 What platform KR game will be built on?

It will be built on Binance Smart Chain, but we have a really good Dapp Dev team that has been providing service to numerous notable Blockchain projects. Therefore, they can support any EVM-compatible chain, and even non-EVM like Neo and Solana too.

Community activity

Kingdom Raids will be hosting these AMAs pretty regularly or weekly to keep up-to -date with our Doodians about the game development progress.

In the upcoming time, there will be more and more community events for our global fans to take part in. We already run our very first community activity named The Lord summon minigame. Don’t forget to tell your friends to join us.

That’s all for our #1 Talk with CEO & CMO in Community Connect Series on KR’s Discord server every Sunday night. Tune-in for more hidden secrets from our development team!

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Written by kingdomraids

Kingdom Raids is a RPG developed by a leading gaming studio. The game takes place in a fictional kingdom, “Dood Kingdom”, a land of mystery and adventure

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