6 min readMar 25, 2022



For those of you who want to know more about the story of the team standing behind the scene of Kingdom Raids game, take a quick look at the recap of our Community Connect series with our Game Engineer Leader — Mr. Boney Kute!

👉 Check it out:

First segment: Warm up.

Q1. First, could you please introduce yourself and your team?

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

Greetings everyone, I’m Vuong.

I’m so happy to be here & have a live chat with all of you guys today.

My role in KR game is Game Developer Leader.

A little more specific, I’m in charge of every in-game feature.

My ultimate mission is to make sure that all the game features are doing their jobs as well as being completed on time & on budget.

About team:

There are five sub-teams

1. The game design team: In charge of designing game futures & story-writing

2. The artist team: In charge of modeling 3D models, drawing 2D resources, and designing UI/UX

3. The software engineering team: Design data structure, system architecture, and implement the game futures

4. The QA team: Test and control the quality of the game

5. The devops, liveops team: Manage infrastructure, process and manage the game data and game events

We are working together for a long time and so far so good.

It’s super awesome to be a part of an amazing team as every working day is totally a new beginning!!! So now, let’s get started right away with bunch of Twitter questions from our die-hard Doodians!

Segment 2: Answer the selected questions from Twitter.

Q1. What is the most interesting thing about programming KR games? (@Espinoz06024136)

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

Below are the things that I get the most excited while building Kingdom Raids

- №1: IT’S EXTREMELY HARD. However, we love those tough jobs as they help challenge & improve myself gradually over time.

Accomplishing the difficult tasks make me feel absolutely confident & stronger than ever.

During that ups-and-down journey, I have also found out many talented teammates, the ones born to solve grunt work.

- №2 : FANTASTIC COMRADES as mentioned above. Over the course of game development, I need to work with many other teams such as game design, artist, game dev, blockchain, Marketing, etc. and to be honest, during the working process, I have learned a lot from them in both speciality & life topics.

Q2. Kingdom Raids project have anything special about technology?(@Wilkins59705450)

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

Exceptional data structure & modality:

- With the goal to improve user experience, the game must meet the requirements of smooth & quick running.

In order to achieve that, we pay great attention to increase the load capacity of server & decrease the latency of requests sent by client to server.

We have designed a private protocol based on the original platform — Protocol Buffer of Google

Thanks to this special data structure & protocol, the amount of transmitted data is much smaller compared with the traditional way.

- By unifying only one structure & modality, the communication affair among client & server developers would be much more convenient.

From one source of data, we are able to read it in numerous different programming languages without having to separately code for each of them. This could help shorten the development time & detect the incurred errors of the system.

Q3. What is your hardest thing about programming KR games? (@Wilkins59705450)

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

Hero system & Hero ability

- Kingdom Raids possesses a gigantic Hero system & the Hero ability system is even colossal.

- In order to diversify our Heroes & create NFT variations, we must build a special tool to generate them & dynamically stick the abilities into those Heroes.

- This is a tough job because:

1. Ask for a dynamic tool that is able to serve mulitple distinct generating scenarios

2. The generating data must assure the in-game balance (Avoid “OP” or handicapped Hero variations)

3. Client side’s Game Dev must use Reflection technology to dynamically stick the abilities into the Heroes during runtime.

Q4. I think the upcoming trend is metaverse. Do you plan to develop the metaverse to keep up with the upcoming trend? (@Mathisq60163058)

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

For sure! Kingdom Raids itself already owns an identify mechanism for each use.

Each user possess a self-created empire in the Kingdom Raids’ world.

The integration of Metaverse features in the game has already been in our roadmap.

Basically, players can own land & join in the event on Land Map.

Q5. What is the security solution to prevent your hacker? (@Sotocc852172409)

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

There are two types of cheating/ hacking.

1. The first one: Using scripts to call API with the scenario.

2. The second one: Using AI to capture the screen and do in-game action automatically.

For the first one, we have already prepared many things to prevent it:

- API authentication

+ Every API call had to pass the authentication process

+ Timestamp must be validate at the moment of request

+ Encrypted Access Token must be valid

+ Secret key keep secret on the server side

- API authorization

+ Every API call had to pass the authorization process

+ Each player role has different access right for a specific set of API.

+ Event developer can not call any API

+ The server record every state of the client. In each state, the client only can send some specific API to make sure the data is correct.

- API validation

+ Every API call had to pass the validation process

+ The API expects exact request params, if the client had some suspect action such as trying to send invalid params to explore the API, the server will know and mark the request for invalid.

+ Each API has a post-process to double-check the output data of the API before saving it to the database, if any data is wrong, the server will know and mark the request as invalid.

- All TCP using https with the newest and strongest TLS version

- API call limit, throttle mechanic

- Environment separated (dev, staging, LiveOps, production)

- DEBUG middleware (any debug api endpoint must be call on the whitelist ip address)

For the second one, we don’t need to worry about it, because

- The effort to do it is very large, it’s not easy to create an auto tool using AI like that.

- Even when someone can create an amazing tool like that, we still don’t need to worry about it. Because the tool can only do actions that had been allowed by the game system.

We already prevent this exploit method by using game design. Such as Energy system, Matchmaking rules…

Segment 3: The Quizzes and freedom Q&A session

Q1. What will be the gameplay if the first phase will not have lands.. Youtube vids show raiding towns but we cant have that without land right? (Joseph Syjuco — Don’t have Username)

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

You still can raid towns without land function. The land that you can buy in the later release is in a special area.

Q2. Is game developer same as game designer? (@JustinJohnn)

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

These two roles are not the same.

- Game designer is in charge of designing features in the game, designing UI/UX and interactions that will be in the game.

- Game developer is in charge of data structure design, system structure design. Bringing the game designer’s designs into the game.

Q3. Will players be able to switch syndicates? (@JonathanBrish)

Mr Boney Kute | Kingdom Raids:

Of course they can, users are able to join in the Clan that they feel like the most appropriate & conversely, get out of the Clan that they are not keen on.

There are gains & losses during the time players participate in Clan or leave it. More details coming soon, so stay tuned!

Q4. Will players be able to switch syndicates?

@ducly95: 4

Q5. What is the max hero’s level in the first release?

@Lalisa2020x: 120

Also, we would like say congrats to the well-deserved winners with usernames below who earned the airdrop worth $100 in total in our Community Connect Series #3 Game Dev yesterday:

🎯 Twitter Question (Twitter username)





🎯 Quizzes (Telegram username)

Joseph Syjuco — Don’t have Username





💰 Please send your BEP-20 wallet address to admin @OliviaKR BEFORE 3 PM UTC MAR 26, 2022 to receive the prize.

‼️ Note: Accomplishing all the AMA session’s rules is the required condition to get the prize.

Once again, our team is glad to have Game Engineer Leader of Kingdom Raids — Mr. Boney Kute on board in our Community Connect Series this week & thanks all Doodians for joining us yesterday! Till we meet again, Doodians!

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Written by kingdomraids

Kingdom Raids is a RPG developed by a leading gaming studio. The game takes place in a fictional kingdom, “Dood Kingdom”, a land of mystery and adventure

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