2 min readJan 18, 2022


Hasta la vista, Dood Memeologists!

There is no better way to kickstart 2022 by joining Kingdom Raids 3rd community activity — King Dood Meme Contest!

Promise, it’s gonna be a super-duper entertaining event for not only the creative Memeologists but also for other die-hard supporters in Dood Kingdom after a hard-working 2021 as this time, the winner list will be determined by 2 distinct categories:

🏅 Voter: 20 winning slots with the opportunity to earn the Public sale Whitelist ticket worth $50 at distributed time. On point!

🏅 Meme Creator: All creators will receive Kingdom Raids T-shirt. Among those talented Memeologists, there will be 8 special slots standing a chance to win our priceless NFT collectibles (4 Misc Boxes for each). Hell yeah!

✌️ The NFT rewards will be distributed after our 1st NFT sale & regarding token sale allocation prize, it will be contributed 1 week after the public token sale.

✌️ First things first, before dreaming about the irresistible prize pool, kindly accomplish those required tasks & thoroughly read the contest Rules below:

🌟 For Meme Creator:

From JAN 18, 2022 to 23:59 (UTC) JAN 24, 2022

~> 10 best memes (decided by Organizing Committee) will get the chance to join in Community Voting round (takes place from JAN 25, 2022–23:59 (UTC) JAN 28, 2022), of which Top 5 community vote Memes will be chosen to be the winners.

After 23:59 (UTC) JAN 24, 2022, you still can post your meme on Twitter or Facebook with hashatags #KingdomRaids #Doodians #DoodMemeContest !

~> Top 3 memes that get the most engagements from JAN 18, 2022 to 23:59 (UTC) JAN 28, 2022 will be the deserving champs. (Reaction = 1 point, Share = 2 points)

🌟 For Voter: JAN 18, 2022–23:59 (UTC) JAN 28, 2022

Join us through our bot:

Here's the rules:

Total tickets earned equal to chances to join in Lucky Draw Round!

Hence, collect as many tickets as possible, Doodians!

✌️ All right Doodians, let’s get down to business right away! 🤡🤡🤡

🔥 Follow Kingdom Raids Socials:

*All fraudulent, spam actions will be counted as invalid, results will be canceled and banned from participating in the following events.

**Kingdom Raids reserves the right to make final decisions.




Written by kingdomraids

Kingdom Raids is a RPG developed by a leading gaming studio. The game takes place in a fictional kingdom, “Dood Kingdom”, a land of mystery and adventure

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