5 min readSep 15, 2022


Welcome to the epic gaming world of Kingdom Raids!

In support of all gamers to start their own adventure across our Alpha test, an ultimate guide has also been compiled & brought to the entire community by our development team!

Simply follow the step-by-step instructions right below & let the raids begin, Doodians!


Connect BNB Testnet

Access the below link to connect BNB Testnet Network in Metamask Wallet: Chainlist

Step 1: Click on Switch button [Testnets]

Step 2: Type [BNB] on the Searching bar

Step 3: Click on the button [Connect Wallet] (then the button will be changed to Add to metamask button)

Figure I.1.1

Step 4: Click on Add to Metamask button

Click Add to Metamask a second time to display the MetaMask notification (as shown in Figure I.1.2)

Figure I.1.2

Step 5: Click on Approve

Figure I.1.3
  • Check out Binance Network on MetaMask

Step 1: Open MetaMask

Step 2: Access to Network Setting to check the Binance Testnet Network (Figure I.2.1)

Figure I.2.1
  • Convert currency from tBNB BNB guideline

Tutorial video: HERE


Connect Binance Network on MetaMask

Step 1: Connect Wallet Address with Binance Network on MetaMask.

As the Figure II.1.1: Check out the Binance testnet Network whether it is available or not

Figure II.1.1

Step 2: Connect Wallet Account with BNB Testnet Network

  • Sellect Wallet Account to connect (ex: Account 4)
Figure II.1.2
  • Faucet BNB currency

Step 1: Open Binance Faucet page by the link below Binance Smart Chain: Faucet

Figure II.2.1

Step 2: Select “I am Human”, click on capcha square

Step 3: Copy MetaMask Wallet Address, then type on the text box square

Step 4: Click on Droplist [Give me BNB] → select 0.2 BNBs

Step 5: Check out the MetaMask Wallet Address, check it again after fauceting success

Tutorial video: HERE

  • Import contract token MKRS on Metamask Wallet

Copy Wallet address to import: 0xe1666DCed6992D59985b7752d2eA25c9AD2FE935

Tutorial video: HERE


First, log in Kingdom Raids Marketplace: Kingdom Raids

  • Login MarketPlace with MetaMask

Step 1: Login MarketPlace

Step 2: Click on Connect wallet button → Select Connect with Metamask

Tutorial video: HERE

  • Get the KRS mock to the wallet in order to make MarketPlace Purchases

First thing, your Wallet Address need to have BNB

Step 1: Access to Mock KRS (MKRS) Token Tracker | BscScan

Step 2: Click on button [Connect to Web3]

Step 3: Click on Write at title [Airdrop]

Step 4: Get successful for a click Write 100 MKRS

Tutorial video: HERE

  • Buy-Sell-Cancel and Open Box[Hero] on MarketPlace guideline
  • Tutorial video on how to Buy any item on MarketPlace: HERE

Tutorial video on how to Sell any item on MarketPlace: HERE

Tutorial video on how to Cancel any item on MarketPlace: HERE

Tutorial video on how to buy Blind Box: HERE
Click Blind Box → Select Blind Box → Click Buy Open:

Figure III.3.1
  • Export QR Code Image for account

Step 1: Login Marketplace Kingdom Raids: Kingdom Raids

Step 2: Select My Account QR Code (Figure IV.1.1)

Figure IV.1.1

Step 3: Click Download QR (Figure IV.1.2)

Figure IV.1.2
  • Login to Game

There are two ways to Login:

First: Scan QR Code (refer to III.4 to know how to export QR code on MarketPlace)

Second: Choose from Photo (refer to III.4 to know how to export QR code on MarketPlace)

Figure IV.2.1
  • Experience the existing features in the game
  • There are two modes including Raid Player and Element Dungeons (Figure IV.3.1)
Figure IV.3.1

In Raid Player and Element Dungeons: the player needs to select 4 heroes to set up a team. (Figure IV.3.2)

Figure IV.3.2

In Raid Player mode: players will participate in attacking other players’ Kingdoms by overcoming obstacles, walls and towers within a certain time. If you win, you will receive a chest and unlock a $KRG token (Figure IV.3.3).

Figure IV.3.3

In Element Dungeons mode: players will overcome obstacles, walls and towers to fight with a boss that is a Dragon within a certain time. If you win, you will receive elements to build your Kingdom. (Figure IV.3.4)

Figure IV.3.4

Build: constructing and upgrading traps, walls and protect towers by elements obtained in Dungeon Element (Figure IV.3.5 + Figure IV.3.6)

Figure IV.3.5
Figure IV.3.6

Quest: players perform tasks to receive rewards that are elements, metal, misc material, trophies and… (Figure IV.3.7)

Figure IV.3.7

When winning the Raid Player mode or finishing the Quest, player will receive trophies, reaching the milestones and can receive rewards (Figure IV.3.8).

Figure IV.3.8

Token $KRG is used to level up and upgrade the skill for heroes. The maximum level is 20 and skill level is 10. Besides those elements, metal, misc material and token $KRG have awakening functions to open a new skill for the hero.




Kingdom Raids is a RPG developed by a leading gaming studio. The game takes place in a fictional kingdom, “Dood Kingdom”, a land of mystery and adventure